Orange jasper

Orange jasper


Orange jasper


Jasper sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. The stone provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang, encourages honesty with one's self. Jasper provides courage to assertively tackle problems, aids quick-thinking, promotes organisational abilities, stimulates the imagination, and transforms ideas into action.

The chunk® is made of a natural mineral. Each stone fragment has a unique color, texture, and pattern, making it truly one-of-a-kind. The appearance of the chunk® may vary from those shown in the photos due to the natural variations in the stone.

Material - Jasper

Color - Orange

Сountry - Peru

Thematics - Protection

We, Noosa-Amsterdam Lab B.V., a manufacturer and seller of NOOSA-Amsterdam products, hereby confirm that this item fully complies with EC/EU product directives and harmonized standards. The product is completely safe and meets the requirements of the safety regulations of the applicable guidelines. We allow the product to be used.

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