Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Refund Terms

You can return or exchange the received item within 14 calendar days after its delivery. Jewellery products of proper quality cannot be returned or exchanged.

To request a return or exchange, please send us an email containing the following information:

It takes three business days to process your return/exchange request. Once your return request is approved, you will be required to return the claimed products to us and pay the cost of re-shipping.

Important: the legal address is not the address for returning unsuitable items. We will provide you with the correct address individually, in response to your email.

We recommend that you send the items back with tracking, as this will help us to confirm the delivery of your return. If you send the package without tracking, we may not be able to process your refund or ship replacement items, as we will not know whether the package from you has been delivered to us or not.

Once your return reaches our warehouse and has been processed, we will ship the replacement to you.

Our e-mail:


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Вся Россия Краснодар Санкт-Петербург Красноярск

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