Relic Inguz Rune silver pendant

Relic Inguz Rune silver pendant


Relic Inguz Rune silver pendant

The Inguz rune represents prosperity, fertility, and positive transformation. This ancient Germanic symbol provides spiritual support, helping to complete old stages of life and open doors to new possibilities. Depicted on this NOOSA-Amsterdam Relic pendant, the rune symbolizes achievement, success, and fulfillment in personal life, career, and creativity.

Length: 6 mm

Material - 925 sterling silver

Color - Silver

Сountry - Thailand

Product Code - 13967

We, Noosa-Amsterdam Lab B.V., a manufacturer and seller of NOOSA-Amsterdam products, hereby confirm that this item fully complies with EC/EU product directives and harmonized standards. The product is completely safe and meets the requirements of the safety regulations of the applicable guidelines. We allow the product to be used.

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