Inguz Rune pink

Inguz Rune pink


Inguz Rune pink


The Inguz rune, one of the most important in the Elder Futhark, represents the powerful energy of fertility and transformation. This symbol helps to create the conditions for growth and prosperity in personal life, career, and creative pursuits. It supports those who are passionate about their work and contributes to enjoying the fruits of their labor.

The Inguz encourages a person's desire for personal growth and development, opening new opportunities and pathways to success. It serves as a reminder that self-improvement and inner changes lead to overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. This Scandinavian symbol helps complete old, outdated stages and opens up new ones. It is a catalyst for positive change and unlocking potential.

Material - Opal

Color - Pink

Сountry - Peru

Thematics - Achievements

Product Code - 11633

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