Relic Yellow calcite pendant

Relic Yellow calcite pendant


Relic Yellow calcite pendant

The fame of the talisman of businessmen, economists and representatives of professions related to trade and money was fixed for calcite. Lithotherapists are convinced that the stone protects against rash actions, short-sighted decisions, and unprofitable investments. Followers of Buddhism and yoga fans, thanks to the stone, find maximum peace and tranquility. The mineral is used when working on the chakra, which is located in the aura and is associated with the soul. Wear the pendant with our earrings, as well as necklaces and bracelets from the Relic jewellery line.

Length: 14 mm

Material - Calcita amarilla

Color - Yellow

Сountry - Peru

Product Code - 18842

We, Noosa-Amsterdam Lab B.V., a manufacturer and seller of NOOSA-Amsterdam products, hereby confirm that this item fully complies with EC/EU product directives and harmonized standards. The product is completely safe and meets the requirements of the safety regulations of the applicable guidelines. We allow the product to be used.

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